Here is what we did this week.
Math - We did a review getting areas in geometrical figures (circle, square, triangle).
Language Arts - I listened to Susan Wise Bauer's Writing lectures and I have learned so much. So this week, as Susan said, for middle schooler, 2 outline, 2 narrative summaries and 1 half page literary anaysis. I thought that was the greatest help in making sure we spend quality time in our school. I dropped our writing curriculum and just do what she advised doing. I feel that idea is a lot better, incorporating writing across other subjects.
Science - We studied compound this week. We did one experiment that worked out pretty well. In our Zoology 1, he did one level outline for 6 pages of Apologia that was assigned today. We are on social insects this week.
History - We spent time reading about the Constitution. I made him memorize the Preamble to the Constitution. And he did 2 written narrations.
Latin - He is studied the imperfect tense this week. As usual, he did the exercises and did some practice conjugating some verbs.
Reading: We finished reading The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow and we are on chapter 6 of Johnny Tremain.
Alden (Kindergartener)
Reading : Reading everday for 30 mins .
Math : We did some review of reading time by hour and half hour. We also spent time this week with fraction manipulatives (one half and one fourth). Plus, everyday addition drills.
Writing: We did 3 times a week doing copy work. We are finishing HWOT and almost done with Explode the Code primer.
Memory work: He memorized " The Caterpillar" in the FLL which we just started this week.
Our week is pretty much the same. I am glad we were able to read more and do more things. Until next week.
Here are some pictures of what they did this week.

P.E. day on Wednesday

A sample of Jhosh's outline this week

Alden's practice sheet on math