Friday, December 4, 2009

Weekly Report (Nov. 30 - Dec. 4)

This week, we started slow. Maybe because we just had our one week Thanksgiving break. I guess we were lazy a little bit. We did 2 experiments for our Science class this week . We did the floating egg experiment and liquid layers experiment. Both are for our density lesson for Chemistry class. We are also trying to catch up on our geography lessons, reading Minn of Mississippi and doing some mapping and drawing work.We never have enough time every week to put more effort in our geography class. But it's good we had a good solid hour of doing it this week. In arts, we are still practicing drawing the shape elements and trying to get more familiar with them. Picking items around the house easy for Jhosh to draw. I am happy where our Art curriculum is going. We discussed William Penn and Pennsylvania this week for our history. As for Language Arts, we are on schedule and doing great. Math is kind of review this year for Jhosh, so we are just trying BCM and Saxon 7/6 combination for him right now. No problem there.
As for my kindergartner, his reading has improved so much that I am trying to incorporate more sight words with his daily readings. He has been doing well with his writing and he is almost done with Primer B of Explode the code. He loves that book so much. We also did some craft this week doing snowflakes pattern and decorated them. We went to the library today to return books and borrow more and along the way they picked up some pine cones which we will try to decorate for Christmas decor this year.
So I guess I'm glad we took time doing crafts and focused on something else rather than the usual. I am happy.


Daisy said...

Sounds like a great week! We loved all the Holling books. I love seeing all your Christmas decorations.

Leila said...

Thanks, Daisy. Kids are so excited about Xmas. That's all they think about these days=)