We had a very light week of homeschooling. We took Friday off since it was our anniversary and my husband took the day off. We did P.E. on Wednesday in the morning and library trip in the afternoon. So for this week we only had 3 full days of homeschooling.
Here is what we had done for this week:
Grade 5 (Jhoshua)
1. Math- It was another review this week for his Saxon Math. He did mostly fractions this week and polygons. It was an easy math week for him.
2. Language Arts
In writing, I decided to stop using IEW for a while and picked up Writing Strand. I think it's working well for him. He said he likes it and gives him more freedom to express his thought. Doesn't have to think about dress ups and sentence openers. But I was glad to read his paragraph and found some of the dress up he had learned from IEW.
3. Reading
Recently, Jhosh had requested to read most of his books independently. I trust him. He is a very good reader and even though it gives me a little bit of sadness that we won't have that huge chunk of time everyday reading to each other, I think this is part of growing up. But I will still continue to read at least one book as a read aloud. That's not bad.
4. Science - We did 2 experiments this week about mixtures for Chemistry. In Zoo 1, we are studying about insects and still doing the same thing, first 3 pages he takes notes by outlining and the last 3 pages, I dictate. This has been our strategy for science to incorporate outlining and dictation. We have done this for 2 years now and it tremendously helped him in his spelling skills and his outlining.
5. History - We read a chapter of SOTW and read 4 stories of George Washington's World. He did some mapping, timeline, coloring,and written narration.
6.Shakespeare Study - We are currently reading Macbeth for Kids.
7. As for the read aloud, readers and assigned reading:
*Little Britches - for our Read Aloud
*Gulliver's Travel - assigned reading for his Literature study
*My Brother Sam is Dead - assigned reading for historical fiction
Kindergartener (Alden)
We did the same this as always. Reading , writing and math. The only difference is I made our reading a little bit longer. He can now sit a little longer and practice his reading with me. He had master his counting by 10 and 2, adding doubles and addition with 1. We did a lot of shape patterns this week and he really enjoyed this activity. He finished book 2 of Explode the Code Primer. He has done really well on his copywork which I am surpise about, he actually looks forward doing this.
* For his read alouds:
Aesop's Fable
Dr. Seuss Beginner book
Winter Trees (for Science)
Poems by Christina Rosetti
I will end this report by posting some pictures of our P.E. day last Wednesday. Have a great weekend everyone!