Friday, October 29, 2010

Our 8th Week

This week we started with a wonderful fieldtrip in Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was great to see the place again. My kids never get tired visiting and seeing those wonderful creatures. I am always in awe of those jelly fishes. They are so beautiful.
Tuesday... we kind of start slow and lazy. Nobody wants to do school but I had to pull them out of their bed to at least do something. Math has always been the first subject we do everyday, no matter what. Next to that is grammar or reading. We break for 30 minutes after this, eat some snack and do some stuff again, usually I read history stuff with them, my eldest then goes off and write his narration and read some more on his own. As my 1st grader do some reading and narration with me. He loves mapping the globe so we do that before lunch. I make him color maps as I prepare our lunch. Afternoons are reserve for Latin, memorizing verses and reading for fun.
Wednesday...this is our busy day. P.E. in the morning and AWANA at night. This week is Holloween week so we had to carve a pumpkin for my eldest to bring and I did holloween crafts with my 2 young ones to bring with them as well.
Thursday... Same as Tuesday but a lot faster and more focus. We were able to do all stuff in our school list in a decent time. Lately, we are having a hard time doing everything on time. It's been hard to distribute my time equally to my 3 boys. My eldest needs more discussion time, my 1st grader needs a lot of one on one and my preschooler is just on his regular clingy days.
Today...half day. We did math, writing, reading, latin and science. Then we spent our afternoon in the library and a playdate in the park with their friends. Just running around and being silly.
This has been a fun week for us. Have a nice weekend to all!

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