This is the book we are reading aloud this week. I haven't read the original classic but based on what I am reading, I think I will try to read the original this summer. This book adapted by Michael Harrison, is a well written adaptation and gives us a lot of laughter us we read along. The vocabulary is not hard to comprehend by young kids. Has a good flowing story, written in such a way that my children can follow and hold their attention. I read 3 chapters yesterday to them and they did not want me to stop, that is how good the book is. My 2 younger ones are 3 and 5, so when I tell you that they ask for more that means something to me. And my son(3) heard me this morning mentioning to my husband about the book, zipped right to our room and said" I love Don Quixote! He is so funny!" Well, I know this book will not sit in our book box very long. I am glad I checked it out from the library. I was so intimidated by the original that I didn't even want to try an adaptation but sure glad I did.
I love when I see a recommendation for a GOOD children's version of a classic. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to see if my libary has it.
I'm excited to find a good children's version of Don Quixote! I've never read the original and hope to one day but it would be great to read this aloud first!
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