Friday, January 14, 2011

Our 14th Week

This week is a very relaxing week for all of us. Everything went smoothly. Most of the things were done on a timely manner. No crying and complaining about work this week. The weather is a bit cold and a few showers this week so we weren't able to go nature walking and spent little time outside. P.E. was also canceled due to wet field (kids didn't like that). And the only thing we were able to do this week outside of our home was AWANA night which was on Wednesday night. Here are some pics of their art projects this week.

My first grader's work (Alden)

My 6th grader's work (Jhosh)

Here is what my 6th grader did this week:

Math: He is slowing down right now, using Life of Fred for review and fun. I also have him do some problems from BJU 6.

Grammar: He did review questions from R/S and did very well.

Writing: He is learning narrative writing on first person view right now from Writing Strand. We are also on Week 6 of Writing with Ease and he is doing great. Some of the dictation exercises are long but he is able to hold it in and write it down easily.

Science: We just started the second book of God Design for Heaven and Earth, Our Planet Earth. So far I like this curriculum. It's easy to use and not too busy, gives us time to read outside source to supplement our studies.

History: He has been doing 2 chapters of SOTW 4 every week. One chapter per day and all mapping and time lining are done on Wednesdays. He also outlines 2 pages of Children's Encyclopedia of American History. It seems to be a lot of work but he loves History and enjoys reading about it.

Reading: He picked the book for this week. He is reading The Hound of Baskervilles. He likes mystery stuff. He was talking about this book a lot so I didn't feel like making him write about it.

My first grader:

Math: We did measuring by inch this week, a lot of it. Everything he can measure, he did. We also use our balance scale this week. Alden and Taylor had fun comparing weights of everything they can put in the scale. He is doing great in his addition facts.

Reading: Getting there... He loves to read about insects so he is reading Nature Reader 1 for his daily reading practice plus other stuff he picks up around the house.

History: Finished reading Squanto, Friends of the Pilgrim this week and started reading Stories of the Pilgrims.

Science: Read about birds today, why birds have different bills and why some birds can't fly. Kids enjoyed the readings.

Writing: We are on week 6 of Writing with Ease 1. Everything is good.

These are our accomplishments this week. I am not going to complain, it has been a great week for us.

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Looks like a very productive week, mama!! That always feels good.

Leila said...

Thank Jesse!