Thursday, August 19, 2010

One more week!

Kids have been on vacation now for more than 2 months. They can't wait to start school ,but I don't think I am ready to thread homeschooling yet. I just ordered our curriculum one week ago and still waiting for them to arrive. Hopefully the books will arrive soon. I have already planned our year and I already have the library books we need for our first week. I have also printed our weekly schedule for the 6 weeks in advance. Technically, I am ready but physically,I still think I need more days of vacation. Our plan is to start school by August 30 and my kids are eager to start which is a very good sign. Jhoshua will be in 6th grade this year and Alden will be in first grade. Time sure fly so fast. I am beginning first grade again and my youngest will be doing preschool stuff. This is just all in my mind, I am just being lazy and loving my free time. I guess I have to get out of this couch, and condition my mind for another school year.