Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some Changes

I am always figuring out how to teach my son, Jhoshua to write more effectively. We were doing IEW for 3 years now and we used the theme based books they have. The result was good. He is now able to write better paragraphs on his own. He is able to use the dress ups and sentence openers pretty well without trouble. But I think that the books are moving fast and jumping to different Units each time. So I have decided to begin again and try to concentrate on 1 or 2 dress ups at a time and one sentence opener. We are also incorporating Writing Strand 3 in his writing class. I see it as a wonderful tool in teaching a child to write more complicated sentences. And knowing how to use dress ups will aid him in writing a much better sentence. We will also focus on free writing for now. That means we will choose topics that are common to him and into his liking. I think it gives him more words in his head, or more ideas, if he like what he writes about. For a grade 5 student, he writes pretty well, but he gets bored sometimes, thus prolonging our school hours. I hope this changes will benefit him.

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